Why see a financial planner?
On average we work for less than half our living lives, therefore it is important that you have the right advice on hand when making decisions that can affect your security and success through life, and in retirement.
Many financial service providers in Australia today are often focused only on a particular area of their client’s overall needs, for instance Superannuation. Our charter at Financial Integrity Group is to provide holistic financial advice. This principle translates into a comprehensive service that encompasses all of the issues that may affect our client’s prosperity.

When is the right time to start planning?
No matter what circumstances or stages of life you are in, receiving strategic financial advice can have an immense impact on your security and success. However there are some instances where it might be even more important to enlist the help of a financial planning expert.
You’re at, or close to, retirement age
Some of the biggest money questions may arise when you’re close to retirement. Do I Have enough money? What are my options? How can I save more? Our team is experienced in assisting clients plan for and navigate the unique challenges of retirement.
You’ve got a significant raise or bonus
Valuing your future financial position over your short-term quality of life can make significant improvements to your wealth and future financial position. Our Financial Planners can help you decide where to invest, what options you have and what might be the best way to increase your overall wealth.
You received an inheritance
We can guide you through the questions you might have about how to take care of your passed family member’s final financial wishes, and further how this new found money can be invested in your own future going forward.
You’re going through a divorce
Whilst divorces can cause significant changes in your personal life, they can also have major impacts on your financial positioning. We can ensure that you are protected during the process and supported in understanding and making the right decisions on the other side.
Where to from here?
Your business has grown at a steady rate and you have invested well but you’re wondering “Where to from here?” A confidential conversation may be all it takes to point you in the right direction.
Are you ready to take control of your financial situation?
If you have personal goals, sudden changes in your financial position or simply want to understand how we can help you, start the conversation. Call our friendly office to arrange a time to speak with one of our advisors about your unique situation.

Planning services
Through strategic alliances with groups of thoroughly scrutinised, suitably qualified professionals, our organisation is able to assist with: